christmas morning started at 7:00 am when ammon woke up. i was actually pretty surprised, he has been waking up between 5 and 6am lately. it was the same as previous years as tierra pointed out what every one else got: "look ammon! you got a hot wheel track!", before noticing whatshe got from santa. to say she was excited about her nintendo ds is an understatement. it is all she has done and talked about for the last day and a half. we had her good and convinced that she wasn't getting one so she had started to ask santa for a turtle or a snowsuit. i think she was pretty surprised.
after we were all fed, dressed, and had some of our christmas mess cleaned up, we went back out to mom and dad's. we ate our traditional ham and cheesy potatoes then openned our christmas gifts to each other. landon had our family's name this year and surprised us with games: the office dvd game and hungry hippos for the kids. nick also go the seinfeld scene it game and we are excited to play that.
i think the best part of christmas this year was being with family and knowing the kids were excited about christmas and getting into the christmas spirit. every time ammon saw a star lit up with christmas lights he said, "look mom! it's the shape star that shows where baby jesus was born!" tierra got super excited about all the little gifts she picked out for the family and was sure we would all LOVE them.
we had a great christmas, hope all of you did too!