Thursday, October 23, 2008


ammon and lucy were playing in the other room and all i could hear were some little giggles. i had to go see what was going on and this is what i found: my two kids sitting in my basket i keep for shoes, eating thier graham crackers. i liked that this was a team effort and they were having so much fun. i DIDN'T like that they were breaking my basket.

ammon got sent to time out (i think for being mean to lucy) and lucy followed him right to the time out corner and sat there with him. she wants to be big and do everything her brother does, even if it means sharing time-outs with him. they are wearing thier "yo gabba gabba" hoodies (ammon says who-dies).

ammon's friend aussie was over for a bit yesturday and they were eating snacks and ammon says they were playing "coo-coo" (?). i think it is so cute how they are total boys together and so funny. lucy wanted to go be with the boys since they were having so much fun.

ammon was doing is "school book" yesturday and he decided to "draw faces on the suckers so they could talk better". ha! isn't that so funny? he was so serious about it too. anyway, these are his suckers with faces... so they can talk better.

lucy is a big girl that goes in the potty so she got a potty sucker. it was a pretty big one, i need to get some more her size.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

no one bites the duster...

we were listening to music today (!) and "another one bites the dust" started playing. ammon really liked it and started singing along, "no one bites the duster!"
i didn't hear him right and i repeated, "another one bites the duster?" he said, "no, we don't bite. no one bites the duster."
it is nice to hear that after having some issues with biting his friends, it sounds like it is sinking in.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

silly lucy girl

i have posted so much stuff about ammon lately, i thought i would post some pics and stories about my silly lucy girl. she is super silly and really starting to show her little personality. i think i could just watch her all day long and be completely entertained.

this is my "kanye west" rapper baby lucy. she just looks so cool and she isn't even trying. she loves to put on these glasses. when she first puts them on, she does her super funny, "i'm so cool face" but i was never fast enough to catch it with the camera.

i just love it when she plays with these glasses. they were a party favor from our buddy austin's birthday party, who would have thought they would be such a favorite.

she is very sweet with her friends and her brother and tries to help when they are sad. ammon was sad so she was giving him loves and kisses... then started pulling his hair. i guess she can't be sweet all the time. i got a shot of her "i'm so cool" face here, she's so silly and most of the time very sweet.

today i went to check on lucy because she had gone upstairs. i walked in her room and found her inside tierra's barbie tent. the tent wasn't set up, just laying on the floor, but she wiggled in through the door with her monkies and was quite content to stay there for a while. she is just so cute. she also went poop on the potty today. that may be too much information for some of you, but we were pretty excited here at our house. i marked it on the calendar. no, she is NOT potty trained, but i'm thinking she will be a lot easier than her brother.

Friday, October 10, 2008

my new obsession...

i was searching yesturday for an online radio station to play while i was cleaning my house and i stumbled across it was so much fun, i wanted to spread the word. it's free to use and pretty simple to figure out. all you do is type in the name of a song or artist you like and it will play stuff from that artist plus others that are similar that they think you may like. you can also add more songs and artists to give your "station" more variety. with each song you can see info on the artist, album, and song and you can either rate it thumbs up or thumbs down. if you rate it thumbs down, they won't play that kind of music anymore on your "station". it was fun to hear new stuff that i totally loved and old stuff that i had forgotten about. just wanted to share my new obsession with you all. click here to go there!