Sunday, May 31, 2009

ammon is a busy bee

i have started walking again in the mornings. it is good to get out of the house and start my day a bit earlier than i have been and the kids like it.
the other day we were walking around the soccer fields and ammon was riding his bike. he kept slowing down by all the wild flowers on the side of the paths and i was getting frustrated. then when i watched a bit closer, i realized what he was doing. he was sticking his finger in the middle of the flowers to get the "honey" out and pretended to eat it saying, "mmm". what a silly kid.

Friday, May 8, 2009

fun in the sun...

with a few warm days in the past couple of weeks, scattered of course with the icky ones, we found ourselves outside enjoying the sun!

bridget and lucy are such big girls now!

look at all those monkeys!

bridget and lucy sharing a ride.

we realized later, when they weren't so into sharing, that bridget thought the stroller was hers because she has the same one at home... silly girls!

faye insisted on sword fighting with jess

lucy loves doing the dishes, but usually just wants to help when she sees me doing them. well the other day she opened the dishwasher and started unloading all by herself. look at her face, she is so serious about it, it is her big time job. of course ammon couldn't let his baby sister out-do him so he jumped into help too.

one day when nick was off work we took a walk to feed the ducks. ammon loved throwing the bread and watching the fish and ducks with dad. lucy loved chasing the ducks and trying to get them to eat out of her hand. she got really frustrated when they didn't want her bread. she just kept after them saying, "bite!" she has also discovered bubbles and they are her FAVORITE thing.

it isn't spring without a baseball game and when the raniers are in town, you know nick will be itching to go to the game for sure! our car had been in the shop and got done JUST in time to head out to the game for family night. tickets are super cheap on mondays and they have free train rides for the kids. carol and chandler met us there and that was fun for ammon.
nick was really excited to see jeff clement catch again and see and talk to the players.

carol got ammon and chandler balloon swords and i though they were so cute i had to take pictures of their battle.

i kept lucy entertained with suckers and carol got her a balloon flower, she did pretty well at the game and fell asleep in the last inning.

ammon was so cute, he saw this guy and leaned over and said to chandler, "hey, i bet he will give us high-fives!" so we walked over and sure enough, he gave the boys fives. lucy liked the bee from a few rows back in our seats (he was a big stuffed animal of course!) but when she got up close she just started screaming. nick asked her later if she wanted to go see that guy and she said, "no!"

ammon has been saying some funny things lately and i wanted to remember. yesturday we were in the car and he told me that lucy lived in heaven before she came to our family too (just like him). i told him that he was right and asked him if he thought lucy played with him up in heaven before they came down to our family.

he said, "no, jesus doesn't want us playing in his room."

funny kids!