i have started walking again in the mornings. it is good to get out of the house and start my day a bit earlier than i have been and the kids like it.
the other day we were walking around the soccer fields and ammon was riding his bike. he kept slowing down by all the wild flowers on the side of the paths and i was getting frustrated. then when i watched a bit closer, i realized what he was doing. he was sticking his finger in the middle of the flowers to get the "honey" out and pretended to eat it saying, "mmm". what a silly kid.
You're so good. I need to get up earlier...by the time I'm up and ready and have the boys ready its lunch time and hot outside. :)
And don't you wonder how far (in terms of miles) you go when you walk around the soccer fields? I've always wondered how many time around it would take to equal a mile.
How cute is that! Jenna is crazy about bugs lately. Her favorites are bees right now, followed closely by spiders and ants. I guess its not just a boy thing :)
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