Monday, November 10, 2008

bucket head

ammon and i were downstairs yesturday, while lucy was playing in her room upstairs. she came down the stairs with this bucket on her head just super casual, like it was no big deal. she is such a funny girl!


MStevenson said...

My little Wellington also loves putting buckets on his head, and it drives me crazy when he tries to go down the stairs with it on, it scares me cause he cant see (the bucket is way to big for him).

Bethany said...

Well she looks adorable in that bucket! At least she picked a cute one.

Mindy said...

Before I read your post that it was Lucy I assumed it was Ammon. They look so much alike. Especially when you put a bucket on their heads. HEHE.

The Green Family said...

You have been TAGGED! Just follow the instructions on my blog. Have fun!